Dec 15, 2009

Sunday afternoon I went down to Downtown Dallas to get some pictures of the newly engaged Rachel & Kris. Rachel is the younger sister of my bestest friend, and she and Kris have been together about 3 years. The weather was perfect (finally) and the shots turned out great!

They were hilarious, goofy, and gave me lots of weird faces.

Thanks for an awesome time guys! Congratulations again!

Dec 12, 2009

i am so busy.
it'd be overwhelming if i wasn't on anxiety medication, but thankfully God saw fit to let man discover prozac, so i'm just fine.

you probably noticed, but the site is a bit different. i switched hosting companies so i could have more creative control over everything, and i love it so far. there's still a lot of tweaking to be done, and any feedback is of course appreciated. i'm also moving galleries over as i can, though slowly, so if you don't see the one you're looking for, drop me a line and i'll bump it to the top of the list!

keep an eye out for new packages at the beginning of the year as well. the fall promotion went so well, i decided to add a 1 hour package to my basic set permanently. thanks to all of you that participated! i have had such a blast meeting so many new families!

merry christmas & happy holidays!


Oct 22, 2009

Lately I've been looking for ways to make doing business easier. I've been playing around with FreshBooks, an online invoicing & client management system. It allows me to easily send estimates, invoices and keep track of communications with clients. Folks can even pay their retainers and sign their contracts through it - so no more snail mail AND you can pay electronically. I think that's just awesome, because who uses checks or cash anymore really? I know personally that if I go somewhere, I take my debit card and my driver's license and I'm good to go for 95% of situations. It's time my photography gets with it too.

So if you've been talking to me lately about booking a session, you might be seeing an invitation in your inbox to your invoice online.

Also, HHp is upgrading our computer systems to Windows 7 this evening! Let's hope there are less crashes with this OS. It could seriously make my work flow a lot better! And all you mac folks, I KNOW. Trust me, I'd go mac if I could. And I will someday soon. But for now, my hands are tied.

Over and out-

Oct 20, 2009

I thought I'd give the photo software Capture One a try this evening, just for kicks. Turns out its a bit complicated for what I need at the moment, but check out what I did in like two minutes on this flower photo with the color selection tools! Pretty sweet.



Anyway, I won't be buying it anytime soon, but its always good to know what's out there.

Oct 19, 2009

Here's a quick preview from Justin and Charissa's wedding on Saturday!

Oct 5, 2009

Sep 15, 2009

Wow! It has been forever since I last posted. A lot of stuff has been going on in my life this summer. First off, this fall semester I'm taking a break from working part-time on top of the usual photography and school. This should give me lots of time to grow my business and gain lots of experience. Plus its really the first time I've not had a job on purpose since I was fourteen! Ten years. Am I really that old already?

Recently I found an awesome way to package my client's dvds - the Jewel Boxing system. Its a fully customizable set of templates that let me cater specifically to each client's personal tastes to create packaging that is just as beautiful as what's on the discs. I've already begun to use it, and the response has been great.

I've also taken on a staff writer of sorts, in that I've wrangled my ridiculously talented best friend into helping me shape up some of my business documents. Not only can she write - she can sing like an angel riding a unicorn on Saturn! Someone won the genetic lottery.. ;)

It's going to be a busy and exciting fall, and I'll do my best to keep this thing more updated!

Until then,